Throughout 2022, I've been part of Museum of the Home's Uncovering Vietnamese Archives shaping group, co~designing a creative research programme for local ESEA artists.
Drawing on our range of experiences, we worked collectively to shape, design and launch a series of residencies for ESEA artists interested in working with archives and the local Vietnamese community. This included sourcing material from the GOR HOI Vietnamese archive at Tower Hamlets Local History Library, and co~creating the residency framework, artist brief and selection process.
The programme aims to activate these archives through a contemporary lens, to empower Vietnamese communities to critically engage with the stories of migration and diaspora they contain, and to make them living, shared and celebrated by those for whom they are most meaningful.
Uncovering Vietnamese Archives is part of Museum of the Home's work towards more collaborative approaches to programming, developed with communities underrepresented in the museum.
Museum of the Home, GOR HOI Vietnamese Archive, Tower Hamlets Local History Library
Images: Details of material from the GOR HOI Vietnamese Archive; Collaborative research and reflection with the Uncovering Vietnamese Archives shaping group; Details from the first artist residency with Dora Lam.