End~of~Residency show

Thanks to all who came to celebrate the launch of Shards and Seams at Husk Creative Space. The exhibition marks the end of my 6~month residency on their Artist~in~Continuum programme, through which I have developed a new body of work responding to the space.

Special thanks to composers, Rosie Clements and Reuben Penny, who wrote and premiered work for The Organ Project, and TT, who wrote two poems in response to the exhibition.

Finally, thank you to Lucinda May, Kylie den Engelsman and the Husk team for their support throughout the residency and beyond.


Read the Shards and Seams exhibition text by Lucinda May.

Read two poems for Shards and Seams, written by TT.

View The Organ Project compositions by Rosie Clements and Reuben Penny.

February 20, 2018
Husk Gallery

Husk Creative Space
