Olympic Park Commission

This summer I launch a new series of Re-Construction Signs for gal~dems's outdoor exhibition, Utopia/ Dystopia: Getting Back to Normal at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, 10 years after the Olympics.

Based in Newham, East London, the tiny interventions share messages of hope and healing in locally~spoken languages, including Bengali, Lithuanian, Gujarati, Hindi, Polish and Punjabi. Against a backdrop of large~scale redevelopment, the signs are subversive in their smallness, questioning which legacies are visible, whose voices are heard, how change happens, and who decides what the future looks like.

The public is invited to join the ongoing installation by planting their own symbols of resilience, healing or hope.

Read more about the programme here and here.


Utopia/ Dystopia: Getting Back to Normal is a series of activations by artists of colour from marginalised genders, exploring how communities rebuild after a pandemic for a more equitable future. Curated by Leyla Reynolds for gal~dem, in collaboration with V&A East Museum and East Bank.

September 10, 2022
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

gal~dem, V&A East Museum, East Bank, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, British Bilingual Poetry Collective (BBPC) and others
