Pleased that two of my works, Hands and But a Breath, were selected for Impact, an online exhibition by the Chaiya Art Awards.
The interactive, virtual gallery showcased 60 works from artists shortlisted for the biennial awards, which were postponed until 2021. Exploring the impact of Covid~19 around the world, the exhibition was dedicated to health and care services for the vulnerable, and was visited online over 3200 times.
Artworks were for sale, raising money for two charities: the Coronavirus Appeal, run by the National Emergencies Trust, and Shout, a mental health support service.
View the Impact exhibition catalogue here.
The Chaiya Art Awards are the UK’s biggest awards exploring spirituality through the visual arts.
Chaiya Art Awards
Images: But a Breath (stills) and Hands, works selected for Impact online exhibition; Virtual gallery installation views.
But a Breath (excerpt), 2012. Video and sound installation.