artist projects

curator projects

St Andrew's Crossbreed

St Andrew’s Crossbreed (detail), 2019.

St Andrew’s Crossbreed (2019) was a series of assemblages for Culture&’s The Case, an experimental ‘micro~museum’ within an antique vitrine. Reflecting on experiences shared by persons of colour with Scottish ancestry, the work examined hidden historical narratives and the struggle to identify with one’s cultural heritage. The title references both the X-shaped saltire flag and antiquated notions of ‘breeding’ and status, seen in colonial racial classifications such as the Casta system.

Artist, Curator
Exhibition, Curatorial

St Andrew’s Crossbreed (detail), 2019.

"Of mixed British and Filipina heritage, Kerr explores the sense of confusion and unbelonging that can arise from being born to parents of different cultural backgrounds...”

~ Culture& (excerpt from exhibition text)

The Case is a curatorial project I developed through the Culture& New Museum School in 2019.

Read more about the project here.


Artist Project