artist projects
curator projects
Spitalfields Studios is a collective of artists, designers, musicians and filmmakers, part of SAFE (Spitalfields Arts Facilities and Education), an organisation set up to foster arts creation and interaction within the local community of Tower Hamlets.
Since 2017, I’ve supported studio artists as a freelance Curator, developing group and solo shows and a live programme including workshops, screenings, print sales, open studio days, performance nights, artist walks and talks. I facilitate collaboration within the network, as well as partnerships with local organisations, such as First Thursdays with neighbouring Whitechapel Gallery, and guest exhibitions with Brady Art Centre and the One Wall Gallery.
SAFE (Spitalfields Arts Facilities and Education), Whitechapel Gallery First Thursdays
Exhibitions have included Musa (2017) by Christopher Lane; Observations (2017) by Biddy Peppin and Angela Allen; Iconicus Animarum (2018) by Nelson Ferreira and Korana Celan; Spring Clean (2018) and Re:Fresh (2019), two group shows curated across walls, stairwells, corridors and balconies in the building, inviting artists to take over their shared spaces.
Part of an Open Studios fundraiser, Post Cards (2018) brought all studio artists together in an exhibition of specially~commissioned artworks with accompanying stories, poems and reflections, created on postcards and sent out to buyers.
In 2018, I launched the Sky Gallery, a dual~exhibition space on the studio mezzanine, which allows two parallel walls to be experienced in contrasting ways: closely and from a distance. Exploring this spatial discourse, I curated Urban Rural Exchange in 2019 by Karen Wood and James Aldridge, the result of a year~long collaboration between place~based artists working in seemingly opposite environments. Read more here.
More recently, I’ve supported current Curator, Annette Fernando, on the From Scratch group exhibitions and performance events in 2021~22. I joined Spitalfields Studios as a resident Artist and Curator between 2020~2023.
Quidem dolores aut et fugiat