artist projects
curator projects
COME AND REST, 2018. Series of public interventions. Documentation by Will Alcock.
COME AND REST (2018) was a series of public interventions informed by the demolition and rebuilding of Bethnal Green Mission Church. Taking letters from a scripture that had hung on the old building, I spelt the words in Bethnal Green locations, documenting the process with filmmaker, Will Alcock.
One Wall Gallery, Bethnal Green Mission Church
COME AND REST, 2018. Series of public interventions. Documentation by Will Alcock.
The words were a gentle yet radical proclamation: an invitation of welcome and refuge, and a quiet protest against the loneliness and exhaustion so often synonymous with city life. The act of spelling them out became a performed prayer, symbolic of the church’s continued presence in the community.
Come and Rest ~ Interventions
To mark its reopening, a series of COME AND REST photographs were displayed in the new church building, inaugurating its community exhibition space, the One Wall Gallery. Accompanying texts celebrated the diverse histories of Bethnal Green landmarks, and postcards gave visitors an opportunity to respond with the prompt: “What's your place of rest?”
Come and Rest ~ Exhibition